Sustainability & Coaching

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
Every person is different – consequently, every form of sustainability is highly individual!
This fact must be considered if one truly and sincerely wants to discover and implement a sustainable lifestyle.
For companies, this fact is particularly important when sustainable goals are to be introduced into the organization through specific actions. Employees will only actively support these initiatives if they experience their own contribution as positive and can implement it within their personal sphere of influence.
Therefore, all our workshops and training programs on sustainability are based on the concept that the individual is at the center of their sphere of influence and can only take action from this standpoint!
Basic course for systemic sustainability coaches

What exactly does a Sustainability Coach do?
This training is designed to empower employees from all areas of a company to develop and implement their own ideas and solutions for "sustainable living and working."
To achieve this, it is essential to have a basic understanding of systemic coaching methods and to combine this knowledge with the principles of sustainability (see below).
This course is structured over 5 consecutive days and is suitable for companies that want to train their own coaching team to implement sustainability goals.
Core Topics:
Basics 1 – Systemic Coaching
Basics 2 – Systemic Sustainability and Prioritization of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Optional: Sustainability Values in relation to essential business processes
Optional: Data and Facts – What data is needed and how should it be processed to draw conclusions about a company’s sustainability or individual actions?
Optional: Living Healthier through Sustainability
Optional: How to move from problem to achievable and sustainable goals
Optional: Sustainable StartUp
Practice Preparation: Designing Sustainability Workshops – From individual habits to becoming a multiplier
Live Exercise: "Design your first sustainability workshop with strangers" with subsequent supervision
Choose from the optional modules to customize your own training as a Sustainability Coach.
Basics 1, 2, plus one optional course, the practice preparation, and live exercise will complete your training, which will be concluded with a certificate from Stilbruch – Workshop for Sustainable Coaching and Training.
Healthier living through sustainability

Sustainability is often seen as a negative term associated with "oh, that’s just the new trend."
If we’re honest with ourselves, how much money do we spend on osteopaths, physiotherapy, diets, back classes, food, clothing, etc.? Much of it goes unused or is needed because we’re doing things that aren't good for us or the environment.
Sustainability is more than just a trend – it’s a way of living that allows both us and future generations to continue thriving on this planet.
This course assumes that we all share the goal of aging healthily, which we can achieve with simple, enjoyable methods that are worth incorporating into our lives.
Participants will critically examine their consumption and behavior patterns and independently develop ideas for alternatives. Additionally, they will form a clear self-image regarding sustainability:
Who do I want to be?
How do I want to act?
What do I want to contribute?
Why is this important to me?
How can I stay committed to my new path?
Core Topics:
Analyzing and questioning consumption and behavior patterns (in relation to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals)
Collaboratively developing alternatives and planning their integration into daily life
Laying the foundation for long-term motivation to change
Sustainability Facts and Figures

The key to a sustainable strategy lies in the numbers, data, and facts we need in order to assess: How sustainable are we TODAY? How do we want to work, live, etc., TOMORROW? And how will we know when we have truly achieved our goals?
When it comes to businesses, it is essential to focus on data related to the environment, workplace safety, and quality. For private households or individuals, we must also consider: What is the status in relation to the 17 SDGs, and where exactly would you like to make changes?
Is it really better to produce energy or to purchase it? Are the drivers we once thought were unsustainable actually the worst? Where are goals achievable only with great effort and costs, and where are simple measures more appropriate?
Sustainable StartUp
You have a start-up and want to position yourselves in a future-oriented and sustainable way?
We will review your business concept and develop a strategy with you for sustainable processes and actions.
Core Topics:
Creation of a Resilience Canvas for your business model, linked to 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Development of your own workshop modules for implementing your sustainability strategy
Reality Check for employees
The human aspect in the company: sphere of influence and desires
![]() 1 Keine Armut | ![]() 2 Kein Hunger | ![]() 3 Gesundheit und Wohlergehen |
![]() 4 Hochwertige Bildung | ![]() 5 Geschlechter-Gleichheit | ![]() 6 Sauberes Wasser |
![]() 7 Bezahlbare und saubere Energie | ![]() 8 Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum | ![]() 9 Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur |
![]() 10 Weniger Ungleichkeiten | ![]() 11 Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden | ![]() 12 Nachhaltiger Konsum und Produktion |
![]() 13 Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz | ![]() 14 Leben unter Wasser | ![]() 15 Leben auf dem Land |
![]() 16 Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starte Institutionen | ![]() 17 Partner schaffen zur Erreichung der Ziele | ![]() Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung |
Pictures by Stilbruch Coaching